Thursday, August 29, 2013

Exercise for belly fat loss program for 7 days

At present there are many problems encountered abdominal obesity and this phenomenon increases with your age. If you feel you are overweight and his rise within 2 uncontrolled, it is time to consider his situation abdominal fat.

Motion 1:

- Lay down your back flat on the floor, knees bent, feet on the floor. Place your finger in the marina and keep elbows outward rolls when you use the abdominal muscles tighten and lift as high off the floor.

Motion 2:

- Lie down with your back flat on the floor, knees bent, feet placed on the floor, inhale. When you exhale, use abdominal muscles to lift arms straight up at a time when you sit up slowly.

- Take out the rear arm and lower down the original position, inhale. Perform 2 to 8 times like rhythm. Then you will add 3 or 4 beats.

Motion 3:

- Lie down as shown in Fig. When you have more people, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee and at the same time, the right leg stretched out, but not touch the floor.

- Continue to make right knee touches left elbow and left leg straight. You constantly make the change legs. Repeat 2-3 times the rate for such 8.

Motion 4:

- Start with the position as shown with knee upwards. Lower the legs down, put two hands under hips.

- Use the abdominal muscles pull the foot upward (right). Now you will feel the abdomen slightly substrates. Repeat 2-3 times the rate for 8.

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