Sunday, August 18, 2013

Discover how to lose weight with honey rather simple

Discover how to lose weight with honey rather simple


Why honey has slimming effect?

 Honey is composed of sugars and some other components. Honey contains about 75-80% sugar, the rest is a mixture of water and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, acids and enzymes some honey ... should not only give the body minerals but also a abundant energy source, a spoonful of honey can give us about 15-16 calories.

Unlike ordinary sugar, sugar contained in honey causes no fat and fat accumulation. Our bodies can absorb glucose directly into the honey with sugar but not usually, it requires a process of transformation into another form more easily absorbed.

  In addition, reduced fat and honey also provides more vitamin B, C, calcium and potassium, do not lose the nutritional balance of the body during fasting. Honey is believed to be food safe weight loss for health.

 When drinking honey, the user will feel full faster and stay full for long, and no longer feel hungry appetite. So, will reduce the amount of food easily but sometimes you do not pay attention to. Honey has the ability to mobilize fat stored in the body, transformed into energy for daily activities that you do not exercise or exercise more.


weight loss+ grapefruit with honey tea

Step 1: Purchase of grapefruit and grapefruit peel clean. You should get white salt to wash the outer shell.

Step 2: Squeeze the juice taken. The outer green shell (apart from white pulp) was sliced ​​long and thin, grapefruit peel after soaking in salt water about 1 hour, you give up the stove for 30 minutes over low heat. At this point, grapefruit oil layer has started to appear.

Step 3: Next, you chopped up the white pulp, continue to boil for 10 minutes. At this time, the water in the pot has dried, grapefruit juice was poured at the input. Continue cooking until the water in the pot, then put the match back on and cook until the water turned yellow-brown.

Step 4: Then put grapefruit juice in a small bowl and put about 1-3 teaspoons of honey. Stir well and drink it regularly every day. This method is also applicable to many women to lose belly fat is quite effective.

Notes on using this method

- Should split the batch weight loss should not last long, a wave can be separated by one month.

- When the desired weight loss, if you want to increase the weight, not every day you should maintain regular 1 cup of lemon juice mixed with honey.

- If you do have diabetes, you should be careful when using honey. Because honey contains a large amount of sugar so if you want to apply this approach in the long term, then consult your doctor before okay.

- The reduction of fat and honey should be used only when supported reducing stomach acid secretion fasting. Do not use honey to replace other foods. When a person wants to lose weight that has reduced diet, you can use honey mixed with warm water several times to drink. But on average a day and can only drink 50ml of honey to aid weight loss.

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